

Above and below: Details of Shinji Ohmaki's installation "Liminal air-descend" 2006

Above: Pat Steir "Winter Group 9: Green, Silver, Payne's Grey, and White" 2009-2011

Above: Masao Yamamoto "Box of Ku #809"

Above and below: Tara Donovan, Untitled 2003, Styrofoam Cups, Hot Glue

Above: Tara Donovan, Untitled 2003, Paper Plates and Glue

Above and below: Tara Donovan, "Nebulous" 2002, Scotch Tape

Above: Cornelis de Vos, Flemish painter 1584-1651

Above: Albino Peacock by Timothy Riley

Above: Adam Fuss, daguerreotype. Made by putting the baptism dress directly on photo sensitive paper and shining light through it.

Above: Unknown

Above: Lynn Davis, "Iceberg #6", Greenland, 1988

Above: Sheila Hicks, from her book "Weaving as Metaphor".

Above: From the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Marble statuette of a girl, Greek 3rd Century BC, Hellenistic Period, 25.5" high.

Above: Clifford Ross, "Hurricane LXXI", 2009

Above: Eckehard Schultz AFP/Getty Images

Above and below: Tara Donovan, "Bluffs" 2005, Buttons, Glue

Above: Shell Pot by Ceramicist  Shoko Koike

Above: Sheila Hicks "Grand Portal"

Above: Winifred Nicholson, "Winter-Fishbourne" 1931-2, Oil on canvas

Above: Cuno Amiet (1868-1961), "Baum in Winterlandschaft"

Above: Alberobello, Puglia, photographed in 1929

Above: Alberobello, Puglia, photographed recently.

Above: Trulli in Puglia near Alberobello, photo by Keith Greenough

Above and below: Salt flats in Salar de Uyani, Bolivia. Photo above by Jessie Reeder

Above: Alberto Burri, "Cretto Grande Bianco", 1982

Above: Alberto Burri

Above: Inside Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence, designed by Henri Matisse between 1949 and 1951.

Above: The door to the confessional at Chapelle du Rosaire de Vence, designed by Henri Matisse, a three dimensional embodiment of his paper cut outs.

Above: Laurent Millet 

Above: Unknown

Above: Olympic tennis player Suzanne Lenglen, one of the greatest tennis players of all time. Between 1919 and 1925 she lost only one match.

Above: Vernacular photo, hanging laundry in the snow

Above: Laundry drying outside. Apparently this practice has become political, pitting environmentalists and people who just like sun dried laundry against communities whose covenants prohibit line drying.

Above: This must be what the covenants want to avoid association with! Beautiful though...like prayer flags.

Above: Unknown, via tumblr

Above: Ceramics by Lucie Rie

Above: Ceramics by Akio Nukaga

Above: Giorgio Morandi "Nature Morte" 1947

Above: Charles Fine "Earth & Sky III", 2005 Ilfordchrome Classic

Above: A group of sculptures by Jean Arp, also known as Hans Arp. The son of a French mother, and a German father, he referred to himself as Jean when speaking French, and as Hans when speaking German. He was a founding member of the Dada movement in 1916.

Above: Jean Arp in his studio, 1950s. Photo by Ida Kar

Above: Jean Arp "Human Concretion" 1935

Above: Lynn Davis, "Iceberg #32", Greenland, 2000

Above: Lynn Davis, "Iceberg #2", Disko Bay, Greenland, 2004

Above: From photographer David Prince's portfolio, a hallway in Antoni Gaudi's Casa Batllo, Barcelona.

Above: Unknown

Above: Horse I came across on a walk recently.

Above and below: From photographer David Prince's portfolio, this is Atelier Brancusi, a recreation of Brancusi's studio, a permanent installation next to Musee Pompidou.

Above: Constantin Brancusi in his studio, photo by Edward Steichen

Above: Constantin Brancusi, "Sleeping Muse"1909-10.

Above: Constantin Brancusi "Sculpture for the Blind", 1916-1920

Above: Katharine Hepburn, studio proof from "The Philadelphia Story".

Above: John Singer Sargent, Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, 1885-86. Tate Collection, London. I included this both because of the white dresses, and because it's always been one of my favorite paintings. I grew up with a copy of it on my wall.

Above: Grace Henry, "Woman in White" 1910-12

Above: Wayne Thibaud "Around the Cake" 1962, Whitney Museum

Above: Salt flats

Above: William Eggleston, "Untitled (St. Simons Island, Georgia)", 1978. This photo was taken leaving the shutter open all night.

Above: Joel Meyerowitz, "Hartwig House, Truro", 1976, from the book "Cape Light".

Above: Uta Barth "Ground #38", 1994

Above: Rachel Whiteread, Untitled (Library) 1999. Dental plaster, polystyrene, fiberboard and steel. Whiteread creates sculptures of negative spaces, making them become something of their own.

Above: Rachel Whiteread, "White Box", 2006, Hand painted bronze. This is a representation of the space on the inside of a box.

Above: Norman Rockwell, "Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Whitewashing the Fence".

Above: Found on tumblr

Above: Unknown

Above: Mats Gustafson's house in Sag Harbor designed by Fernlund + Logan.

Above: Designed by Martin Margiela for the Caudalie Spa in Bordeaux.

Above: Robert Gober, Untitled (Sink), 1984. Plaster, wood, wire lath, aluminum, watercolor, and semi-gloss enamel paint.  27.5" x 33" x 22".

Above: Bedroom from the portfolio of photographer  Rachael Smith.

Above: Cabin designed by Finnish architect Ville Hara for Avanto Architects.

Above: Painted tree stumps, found on remodelista.

Above: Steel and glass addition by Bruno Erpicum & Partners in Belgium.

Above and below: Images taken from footage shot by Captain Scott's team on their ill fated trip to the South Pole in 1924. This restored footage has been made available as "The Great White Silence" on DVD. You can see a trailer here. It's a fantastic thing to see these moments from their voyage.

Above: Doug Wheeler, Installation "SF NM BI SP 2000" at the Guggenheim in Bilbao, 2002. Wheeler created an "infinity environment", featuring a light saturated, all white, rounded room with no corners or sharp angles, rendering viewers unable to fix their eyes on any surface.  In the 1960s Doug Wheeler, along with west coast artists James Turrell (below), Robert Irwin, and others, founded the Light and Space movement. There are currently two Wheeler shows on view. There is a Light and Space show at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego  and Wheeler has a solo show at the David Zwirner Gallery in New York, where he has installed an infinity environment, on view from January 17th through February 25th 2012.

Above: James Turrell's "Skyspace" in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Britain. Turrell has created various "Skyspaces" all over the world. Raised as a Quaker, his grandmother would tell him to "go inside and greet the light". He's made that idea tangible for visitors to his spaces.

Above: Joel Meyerowitz, "Provincetown", 1977, from the book "Cape Light".

Above and below: A favorite place, these buildings are part of an old farm in Inverness, near Point Reyes, California. The surroundings are lush green pastures next to the ocean. It's a protected area, a wonderful place for walking and hiking

Above: Wolfgang Laib, "Rice House", 1990, marble and rice

Above: Wolfgang Laib preparing "Milkstone", 1998-2001, marble and milk. The top surface is a flat plane of milk.

Above: Robert Ryman, all white painting, 9.5" x 10", 1961, at SF MOMA.

Above and below: From the GA book "Aegean Sea", 1973, photos of Mykonos by Yukio Futagawa .

Above: Greek steps. Source unknown

Above: Lynn Davis, "Iceberg #8", 2004

Above: Pablo Picasso, "Woman in White", 1923.

Above: Aristide Maillol, "Bather Putting Up Her Hair"

Above: Aristide Maillol, "The Three Nymphs"

Above: Greek Classical period marble grave stele of a little girl, 450-440 B.C., 31.5" high.

Above: "Matisse and his Doves, Nice", 1944, photo by Henri Cartier-Bresson

Above:  Irving Penn, "Girl in Bed on Telephone" (Jean Patchett), New York, 1949

Above: James McNeill Whistler "Resting in Bed", 1884.

Above: William Nicholson, "Little Flower", 1924

Above: Cy Twombly, "Hero and Leandro" 1981-4, Part II, Davos Collection, Switzerland

Above: Cy Twombly, "Hero and Leandro" 1981-4, Part III, Davos Collection, Switzerland

Above: J.M.W. Turner "Ship in a Storm?", 1840-45, Tate Museum, London

Above: Robert Ryman, "Series #9 (White)", 2004

Above: Robert Ryman

Above: Installation of 2,000 dandelions by Regine Ramseier. You can see photos of the field they came from, and of her creating this piece here.

Below: Also made of flowers, a waxed orange blossom wedding crown. I found this at Aria in San Francisco.


  1. Beautiful Laura! Every time I read one of your blogs I think "ooh, I like this one best." I love the white, the snow, the icebergs, the Morandi, the dresses, the spaces, all of it! Fantastic.

  2. your subtle sensibility of beauty extends to even the simplest things.


  3. These white postings are so peaceful.

  4. I love this posting. Agreed. So peaceful.

  5. Leslie Murray1/15/12, 9:06 PM

    This is so Beautiful dear Laura. I love the juxtaposition of all these images.

  6. Great stuff Laura, so much fun ! Thanks for doing this.

  7. Cheryl Raiss1/15/12, 9:46 PM

    This was lovely as if walking through an art gallery at the end of an exhausting day and finding quiet and serenity...thank you

  8. Laura,
    Wonderful as alway. You covered white in all it's wonderful complexity.
    I always enjoy these blog posts. An education.
    Robin Mitchell

  9. Jenny Phillips1/16/12, 3:47 PM

    Laura...I just finished painting every room in the house back to Bright White...It makes me feel happy!

  10. beautiful..can i hire u?!Love,katie

  11. Helen Bartlett1/18/12, 9:44 AM

    You have given us our own private gallery to go and ponder and meditate and to be inspired. I will return to these images again and again.
    A few words of poetry came to mind:

    "In the snow light
    In the swan light
    In the white-on-white light
    Of a winter storm,
    My delight and your delight
    Kept each other warm."

    Mary Sarton

    1. That's so beautiful...I love having it here. Thank you.

  12. So many wonderful comments, and I agree with them all!

  13. I just found your blog. You have such a good eye, and your blog is quite an inspiration. Thank you!
